Search Results for: compost

Composting 101- How to Make Compost for your Garden

Composting 101- How to Make Compost for your Garden

Composting 101: The key things you need to know to begin making your own composting. Why is compost essential? Compost is the single most important supplement you can give your garden soil. Composting is a simple way to add nutrient-rich humus, which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. It’s also free, easy...

Rosemary growing.
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Growing, Harvesting, Storing, and Using Rosemary

Experience the satisfaction of self-sufficiency by growing Rosemary at home. Even with minimal effort and less-than-ideal soil conditions, you can cultivate enough rosemary to meet personal needs and share it with friends and family. Growing your own becomes a practical and cost-effective choice with rising supermarket prices. This article will cover growing, harvesting, storing, and...

cloves of fall garlic

How to Grow Fall Garlic

Fall is the best time to plant garlic—three weeks before the ground freezes, so the roots can develop but not poke through the surface before winter. As a raised bed gardener, I reserve a new spot every fall after removing all the summer garden debris and amending my soil with compost for the winter. Garlic...

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Getting Land Ready for a Greenhouse

Building a greenhouse is rewarding for gardeners, farmers, and hobbyists. A greenhouse provides a controlled environment that extends growing seasons and protects plants from harsh weather. However, the success of a greenhouse starts with proper land preparation. Here's a detailed guide to getting your land ready for a greenhouse. Choose the Right Location Understanding the...

Hobby farm that makes money.

Monetizing Your Hobby Farm: Creative Ways to Generate Revenue

As a homesteader, your farm is not just a place of residence but a hub of potential revenue streams. By tapping into the unique aspects of your lifestyle, you can transform your hobby farm into a profitable enterprise. This article will explore how you can use your farm's charm and resources to attract customers and...