Choosing A Permanent Greenhouse for a Garden
With winter slowly leaving and spring making its approach it's hard not to get excited about spring planting. It can be very tempting to head out into the garden and start planting but one or two nights of low temperatures can wipe out all of your spring seedlings. That's one reason we started using a portable greenhouse a few years ago. As I mentioned in my post about our 2021 gardening plans we are ready to move to a permanent greenhouse set-up. Today I thought I shared which greenhouse we decided on and my tips for Choosing A Permanent Greenhouse for a Garden.
Greenhouse Goals
The first step in choosing a permanent greenhouse for a garden is deciding why you want a greenhouse. When we set up our first greenhouse we went with a portable version. At the time we thought that we would use it mostly to protect our seedlings until it was time to plant them in the ground. Since that time we've seen the many benefits of having a greenhouse and learned to better utilize it. We also encountered some complications from trying to use a portable greenhouse year-round.
What Size and Shape Greenhouse Do You Need
After deciding your greenhouse goals you'll need to decide what size greenhouse will meet your needs. The shape of a greenhouse partially determines the amount of light that reaches plants and also affects heat efficiency. The larger the greenhouse the more expensive they tend to be and the harder it is to control the environment inside the greenhouse.
Where to Locate Your Greenhouse
After deciding what size greenhouse you need you'll need to decide where you're going to put the greenhouse. If you don't have a year-round dedicated area to place a greenhouse a portable greenhouse will probably be best. The area you decide on needs to be level. If it is not you will need to level it prior to setting up the greenhouse.
Windows, Doors, and Vents
One of the reasons we decided on the Palram Hybrid Greenhouses was the fact that it had a regular full-size door, a roof window with the option to add an automatic opener to it, and an optional side louver window. The windows and vents allow air to pass in and out of the greenhouse. I can't imagine what a greenhouse in Texas would be like in the summer without venting.
Palram Hybrid Hobby Greenhouse
We decided on the Palram HG5508 Hybrid Hobby Greenhouse. Palram offers many different sizes of greenhouses. I'll admit someday I'd love to have a larger one but for now, the 6'X8'X7' is what we decided on. It will fit perfectly in the area we have open and plenty of room for what we intend to grow.
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