
At Days Well Spent I know Time is a luxury these days. I can provide you with the things you need to reclaim a little bit of that elusive luxury while still treating yourself and your family to well deserved comforts and convenience. I envision the world in simpler times, when happy homes were a humble paradise and everything you needed was within the comfort of your own four walls; food, shelter, warm clothing, and the company of family. I try to focus on these true necessities of life, while trimming down extraneous noise and the hectic, fast-paced chaos of modern life. Everything I do is about getting to the heart of the home.


On our blog
I share information, inspiration, and tutorials on topics like sewing, gardening, baking, and healthy living. My mission is to encourage readers to find a way to incorporate the things they love into their daily lives. Being home is about family; spending time together and doing things for each other that will make our lives brighter and more full of joy.
Thank you for spending some time with me.